شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Letter [to Husayn-`Ali Muntaziri]

Jamaran, Tehran
Expression of affection and emphasis on not supporting Sayyid Mahdi Hashimi and warning against the plots of the hypocrites (MKO)
Husayn-`Ali Muntaziri
جلد ۲۰ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۱۲۶ تا صفحه ۱۲۷
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
His Excellency Hujjat al-Islam wal-Muslimin, Eminent Jurist Muntaziri- may his blessed days last,
After extending greetings and salutations, you are more aware of my affection for you than others know. I have affection for you because of your sincerity, your knowledge, your struggle against the tyrants and oppressors, your unforgettable sufferings for many years for Islamic objectives, your exceptional truthfulness and uprightness and, above all, the high position presently given to you by God, the Exalted, as well as the need that the Islamic Republic and Islam has for guides like you. This sacred prestige should be preserved. Preserving this prestige from various aspects is incumbent upon you and us. There is possibility of suffering damage on account of its importance.
With these preliminary remarks, I would like to state that this prestige, which is most certainly, obligatory to maintain, is now at stake. This is especially true at a time when there are influential opponents in Qum Theological Seminary who are possibly looking for a pretext. This very serious threat is owing to Mr. Sayyid Mahdi Hashimi's «1» relation with you. I do not want to say that he really committed those things; instead, I want to say that he is accused of many crimes such as murder, collaborative in murder and the like. And relationship with such a person, even if he is acquitted, undermines the nobility of your position, protection of which is emphatically incumbent upon all.
What is certain and on which I insist is investigation into the accusations of him, and his storing weapons in the name of supporting the liberation movements. In essence, without the involvement of the government such acts are crime. He, who has no authority to do so, even if it were really for those movements, and is circumventing the government, should be called to account. This is a definite case. What I ask you in the first place is your direct request for the involvement of the Ministry of Information and investigation into these cases. If it is hard for you in a way that religious obligation is removed from you, it is then silence. Even in private circles, defending such an individual is detrimental to your prestige and probably leads to corruption and spilling the blood of the innocents, which is a deadly poison. All the activities under the name of assistance to the so-called liberation movements must be stopped, and all those who are involved in these affairs must be put to trial.
What is certain to me and a cause of regret is your good opinion about deeds, words, actions and writings which you instantly approve of, talk about in public and recommend to the judiciary and others. I request you as my former and present sincere friend and for whom I have deep affection, to consult the righteous individuals who are familiar with the affairs of the country. Then, taken action afterwards so as not to damage your own prestige as any harm to your prestige is harm to the prestige of the republic. The unlawful release of hundreds of hypocrites (MKO) at the order of a council whose" tenderheartedness" and" good opinion" were made manifest has increased the figure of explosions, assassinations and stealing." Kindness toward the sharp-toothed leopard was oppression toward the sheep."
I emphasize that you purge your family of the relationship with Sayyid Mahdi, which is the better way. Or, do not show any reaction to the investigation into his case because investigating the case of alleged crimes is definite. I pray for your wellbeing and success.
Rouhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini
Mehr 12,1365 AHS
«۱»- Prior to the victory of the Islamic Revolution, in collaboration with his supporters in Qahdarijan, Isfahan, Sayyid Mahdi Hashimi, who was accused of killing Mr. Shamsabadi, the congregational prayer leader of Sayyid Mosque of Isfahan, and others, was arrested and convicted at the Criminal Court of Isfahan (in Esfand ۱۳۵۵ AHS). After the victory of the Revolution, he was released and he held many position in assisting liberation movements. Then, for being accused of committing murders, crimes and other offences, he was under pursuit and after his arrest and confession of the horrendous murders- covered by the IRIB- he was convicted and sentenced to death, and the issue verdict was executed. It is to be noted that the support given by Mr. Muntaziri to him- notwithstanding the repeated reminders of Imam Khomeini and other sympathizers of the Revolution- which due to the penetration of his comrades in the family of Mr. Muntaziri, particularly the efforts of Sayyid Hadi Hashimi, Mr. Muntaziri's son-in-law and brother of Mahdi Hashimi, was one of the various reasons that finally led to his removal from the office of the Deputy Supreme Leader.

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 12 مهر 1365

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