شناسه مطلب صحیفه
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Reply to a Query [Hujjatiyyah Society being permitted to use the funds to combat Baha'ism]

Najaf, Iraq
Hujjatiyyah Society being permitted to use the funds to combat Baha'ism
جلد ۲ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۳۰۸ تا صفحه ۳۰۹
Remarks: This permission was later cancelled by Imam Khomeini «1»
[His Eminence Ayatullah al-`Uzma Haj Aqa Rouhullah Khomeini, may his sublime presence endure:
May peace be upon you. Perhaps you can with your blessed memory recall that a few years ago a group of religious and faithful individuals under the leadership of Hadrat Hujjat al-Islam Mr. Haj Shaykh Mahmoud Halabi had regular meetings in order to combat the man-made Baha'ism. In these meetings, there included teaching of useful topics where they familiarize the participants with the high station of the Living Imam (`a).
Recently the domain of the activities of these meetings has surpassed Tehran, Isfahan, Mashhad, Shiraz, and other important areas; it has even reached the remote villages. By the special grace of the Hadrat they have been able to guide some 500 members of the misled sect of Baha'ism and convert them to the sacred religion of Islam. They also were able to save a great number of sceptic individuals who were in the danger of falling prey of that group. First of all, what is the opinion of your blessed Hadrat Ayatullah about the group and the necessary action? Second, how do you see empowering of this sect and cooperating with them? Third, if need be, could the religious funds be used in this way or not? Would you please express your blessed opinion very explicitly? May God's peace, mercy and blessings be upon you.]
In His Most Exalted Name
In the abovementioned assumption, the gentlemen's action is appreciated by and meets Almighty God's consent. Cooperation with them is also to the satisfaction of the Living Imam- may Allah expedite his advent. The faithful have the permission to give to them from the religious funds such as zakats and other lawful funds. If need be, you are authorized to pay to them from the one-third of the blessed Share of the Imam (`a). Of course, this should be done under the supervision of committed individuals and if His Eminence Hujjat al-Islam Mr. Halabi- may his blessings last- can do this, let the funds be paid under his supervision. «2» I pray to Almighty God for their success.
Rouhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini
Sha`ban al-Mu`azzam 5,1390 AH
«۱»- Refer to the next footnote. «۲»- For the reasons of the unsound positions taken by the Anjoman-e Hujjatiyyah [Hujjatiyyah Society] and exploitation of the Shah's regime and cooperation of some of the members of this society with the Shah's regime, Imam Khomeini, after being informed of these issues, nullified the previously-issued authorization. In ۱۳۵۰ [۱۹۷۱], he wrote in response to a letter by Mr. Gerami who had inquired an opinion about the status of the Hujjatiyyah Society and its founder:" The meetings arranged by the mentioned person are detrimental. Since the time I have been informed of this, I have not confirmed him and God willing, never will."Imam Khomeini, in the famous" Charter of the Clergy" so indicates,". Yesterday, the Hujjatiyyahs sanctioned the battle and, in the thick of fight, exerted all their efforts to break the strike festooned with lights on the occasion of the mid-Sha`ban in the Shah's interest. Today, they pretend to be more revolutionary than and outdo the real revolutionists! These undeveloped peasants of yesterday, who have disgraced Islam and the Muslims through their silence, have literally broken the back of the Prophet (s) and his chaste household. For these peasants, the title of wilayat [vicegerent] has not served anything but amassing wealth and pleasure-seeking are today claim to be the founder and the inheritor of the wilayat and begrudge the wilayat of the Shah's era.Mr. Hashimi Rafsanjani, in an interview on Hujjatiyyah Society, and Imam Khomeini's nullification of the authorization, so states:" Another event that had presented itself was the Hujjatiyyah Society. What this body had in mind years back was to start a campaign against the Baha'is. They founded a society whose job was to identify the Baha'is, who were later condemned and the Muslims were prevented from approaching them. Overall, the regime was in favor of such activities for they would not offend the regime. The Baha'is, too, had ordered their people not to get involved in politics. They had forbidden any struggle and the regime did not trouble them. They had arranged some classes where they would gather the Muslim kids together and thought them the principles of ideology. Since this group did not approve of and combat and was absorbing a group of combatant forces, we were in opposition with it.The criticism that we had about it was due to its going out and mobilize a group of the young forces and that in many places the combatant forces had joined them. The battlefield was becoming vacant and we were under the impression that our principal mission at this time was to challenge the regime. We saw all this as weakening agents. Thus, there was a confrontation between this group and the forces of the Imam's line. Even at the beginning, the Imam had apparently given this group authorization to use the blessed Share of the Imam (`a). But later on and when it got to that point, he withdrew the authorization. The Imam was asked by one of the Qum's instructors about this and the Imam's response was that:" No, they could not be given the Share of the Imam (`a)." And naturally, they were looking for Mr. Khou'i.

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 15 مهر 1349

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