شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Speech [The crimes of the Shah and of those who claim to support human rights]

Shaykh Ansari Mosque, Najaf, Iraq
The fortieth day following the martyrdom of those killed in Qum in the tragedy of Dey [19 January 9]
The crimes of the Shah and of those who claim to support human rights
Religious students, clergymen and members of the public
جلد ۳ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۳۴۲ تا صفحه ۳۶۲

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
"And there is no power and no strength save in God,
the Most High, the Great, And surely we are God's and to Him we shall surely return."
As we are gathered here, according to the information reaching us, all the major cities of Iran such as Tehran, Tabriz, Mashhad and Qum are closed down. Some cities, such as Qum, are completely closed down while in others, the bazaar and other centers of activity are closed. We hear that the bazaar in Tehran is completely closed except for a few merchants who may have some connection with the regime. From what we are told, these closings represent a form of active protest against the Shah himself. The people have identified the true criminal. Of course his identity was obvious before but no one dared to speak out. Now however, by God's grace, this barrier of fear has collapsed and people have succeeded in the main task of identifying the true criminal and realizing who is responsible for the misery of our nation.
Forty days have now passed since the death of our young ones, our students of the religious sciences, our clergy and our devout youngsters of Qum. How people have wept and mourned during these forty days; and what courage- the like of which has rarely been equaled in history- was displayed by the people of Qum and the students of the religious sciences who fought bare-handed against the government and the Shah's agents and yielded their martyrs. According to reports, the agents of the regime spilled into the streets and alleyways of Qum and attacked the people; but the latter resisted to the best of their ability, both before and after the massacre, thus proving they are alive and not dead! «1» Likewise, the great maraji` of Islam in Qum, have expressed themselves courageously «2» both in their speeches and in their declarations, including the one issued two or three days ago on the occasion of the fortieth day following the massacre and the general strike ordained for that day. In this declaration they addressed the main issue and stated who is responsible for the crime, albeit not explicitly but rather by implication which is in fact more effective. May God keep them steadfast.

Qum, the center of both knowledge and action

The students of the religious sciences, despite living in a place which is subject to attack by those bandits, yesterday organized an impressive mourning ceremony which was attended by a large number of people, and at which several vigilant and active youngsters fearlessly gave a truthful account of the state of affairs. According to reliable information, as we sit here in Qum, a great meeting is taking place at A`zam Mosque in this city. I don't know what the government intends to do about this meeting. I wonder whether the regime's agents have once more gone on the rampage, killing and plundering? This is now a matter of grave concern to us. We are anxious and concerned for the people of all the major cities in Iran; cities like Mashhad, towards which the government shows a particular sensitivity; or Azerbaijan and Tabriz, which are under government observation. And I wonder what lies in store for Qum, which is the center of all our struggles and the center of learning from whence knowledge is disseminated to all lands, (just as was predicted by the Prophet's family (`a)), what danger awaits her? In fact, we now see that not only is knowledge disseminated from Qum, but action too, whereby it is now the center of Islamic activity- the center of the Islamic movement. «3» The movement emanates from Qum, from the city itself, from the religious students, from the `ulama', from the teachers (may God support all of them), from the masses of its people who are the faithful soldiers of Islam, and it spreads throughout the country. It remains to be seen whether it will spread to us here in Najaf or not; God only knows what will happen.

Those who trample on human rights

All the miseries that we have suffered, still suffer and are about to suffer in the immediate future, are caused by the heads of those countries that have signed the Declaration of Human Rights, but that at all times have denied man his freedom. The declaration's maxim is" freedom of the individual". Each individual human being is born free and must remain free. Everyone must be equal before the law; they must be free in their choice of residence and occupation, and they must enjoy freedom in their everyday lives. This is what the Declaration of Human Rights advocates. From the time that this declaration came into being not only Muslims but mankind as a whole have suffered at the hands of those states that signed and ratified it. The US is one of the signatories of this document. It has agreed that the rights of man must be protected and that freedom is one such right. But just look at what crimes the US, this so-called signatory of the Declaration of Human Rights, has committed against mankind. For as long as I can remember- and I can remember back further than many of you, for you are younger than I- America, one of the countries which gave its signature to the issue concerning human rights, has been the cause of disasters for mankind. It has appointed its agents in both Muslim and non-Muslim countries to deprive everyone living under its domination of his freedom. The imperialists advocate man's freedom in order to deceive the masses; but people can no longer be deceived. All of these issues to which they give official sanction, of which the Declaration of Human Rights is but an example, are mere acts of deception and hold no authenticity. They draw up some pleasant-looking, high-sounding declaration with thirty articles relating to human rights, but in practice they neglect to enact a single one of them! This Declaration of Human Rights is but a fallacy; it is the opium of the masses.

The crimes of Britain and America

What we have said is true not only of America but also of Britain, another country that signed and ratified the Declaration of Human Rights; a country whose civilization and democracy are so highly praised by those who Britain itself has convinced of its praise worthiness via effective propaganda and cunning. Indeed, it has succeeded in convincing people that it is the leader of democracy and the home of true constitutionalism. But we have all seen what crimes and atrocities Britain has committed in India, Pakistan and its other colonies. «4» The imperialist states like America and Britain brought Israel into existence, «5» and we have seen what misery they have inflicted and continue to inflict on the Muslims there, and in particular on the Shi`ah Muslims. Meanwhile, they have installed an agent in Egypt named Sadat, «6» whose every act is devoted to serving imperialism and who, only a short time ago, visited Israel where he gave it official recognition and approved of every word the Israelis had to say.

Britain, Rida Khan's master

For as long as I can remember during the past fifty years- fifty years of national mourning and tragedy inflicted on our nation by this disgraceful family- it was Britain, this democratic lover of mankind and signatory to the Declaration of Human Rights, that kept the Iranian people suppressed and afflicted. In fact it was Britain, according to its own admission, that brought Rida Shah to power. For almost twenty years, we, the religious scholars, and the Muslim nation as a whole were subject to intense pressure. Rida Shah wished to expunge every trace of the shari`ah. Of course, he did not succeed but this was his intention. Hence, anything which bore the remotest resemblance to Islamic propagation was prohibited.

As for America, that other signatory to the Declaration of Human Rights, it imposed this Shah upon us; a worthy successor to his father. During his period of rule he has turned Iran into an official colony of the US. What terrible crimes he has committed in the service of his masters! Indeed, what terrible crimes both he and his father have committed against us all since their appointment by these signatories to the Declaration of Human Rights- these very signatories who have brought such misery and suppression to mankind, of which we have heard and witnessed but a fraction. However, one cannot truly understand a situation by hearing about it alone. You may hear of what this nation experienced at the time of Rida Shah, but you cannot actually conceive what the people themselves in fact felt and experienced, or what they suffered at the hands of these people. You are only able to appreciate and sense what this man is doing now, at the present time, and then only insofar as you are now physically present.

The nation's awareness

You are thus aware of the present situation in Iran. You can appreciate what this man (the Shah) has done to this nation during the past few days. Even now it would not surprise me if at this very moment some confrontation or conflict is taking place between the people and the Shah's agents, although we have not yet in fact received any reports to this effect. What we do know however, is that agents of the regime have attacked the forecourt of the Shah Mosque «7» in Tehran and have forced a few shops there to open up for business, but the Tehran bazaar as a whole has not surrendered. Even though the government has sent a circular to all the bazaars in Iran forbidding anyone to close his shop and threatening severe punishment for disobedience, nevertheless, not a single bazaar in the country has paid any attention to this threat, not even the bazaar in Tehran which lies within close range of the regime. People no longer pay any attention to these empty noises. Gone are the days when they could intimidate people and frighten them into heeding their warnings... today people are being killed, yet they refuse to heed any threats.

The alive and aware nation

It is now forty days since the massacre in which many of the `ulama' and the young and devout people of Qum were killed. May God preserve the Iranian people and the theological center of Qum, both of which in proving how fully alive they are have ensured the recording of their names in the annals of history. Even now as we calmly sit here, these people are in a state of intense activity. You can't imagine the condition Mashhad is now in. I have no detailed information of its present state but I do know that until recently everything was closed down there. The same is true for Azerbaijan; there too everything was closed, but more than this I cannot say. According to the reports we have received, a general shutdown prevails in Qum whereby not even a single grocer's shop is open. Even Tehran is ninety percent closed and to achieve this is not as easy as one may imagine. In fact the closure of Tehran is a smack in the mouth for those babblers.

The `White Revolution' referendum

They are those who once said that they had the backing of six million people who had voted in favor of their White Revolution! That was a foolish claim to make. I was in Iran at the time, and sent some people to Tehran to find out what this `referendum' of theirs was that they wanted to stage. When they returned they told me that no more than 2,000 people had gone to cast their votes, and that even these were in fact their own agents. Yes, they once said:" Six million of the Iranian people have given us their vote, and since the rest of the people are either elderly, women or infants and hence unable to vote, the six-point program has been given unanimous approval." The Shah too would repeatedly claim in his speeches that:" The people are with me. Only a handful of people voice objection every now and then and they are the Islamic Marxists, «8» otherwise the nation is behind me!" Now you will see the uproar that the regime will cause following this national shutdown. They will object and behave as they did previously after the week-long closing in Qum, the eight-day closing in Isfahan, and the two or three days of partial closing and the one day of complete closing in Tehran. On the latter occasion some unsuspecting wretches were seized by the Shah's agents and loaded onto buses; whilst another group of the regime's officials sent circulars to government offices and schools demanding that they close down and participate in a government-staged demonstration.
This is what you call freedom, demanding that people `freely' participate! Notwithstanding, most government offices ignored the circulars they had received. As for those poor wretches who had been loaded onto the buses, they were falsely told that they were being taken on a pilgrimage to Qum, and on realizing the truth of the matter during the journey, those who were able to, fled. From what I was told, those who remained behind and who were compelled to take part in the demonstration behaved as though they were participating in a funeral ceremony. However much they were told to shout" Long live the Shah", they remained silent. The whole crowd was as silent as if it was attending a funeral! Indeed this was in fact the case, for they were attending the Shah's funeral. «9»

The Shah, anti-Islam and anti-clergy

Those who rule us do not appreciate the situation and once again we have failed in our attempts to reform them. If only they had compromised somewhat with the people; if only they had heeded the people's demands; if only they had performed their duties; if only they had shown sympathy towards Islam and the laws of Islam then the people would not have opposed them so. But the people see that `His Imperial Majesty' is against whatever they attach value to. He is against the Islamic calendar which means he is against Islam itself. In fact the worst thing that this man has done during his reign is to change the calendar. «10» Changing the calendar is even worse than these massacres; it is an affront to the Most Noble Messenger himself (s). In spite of such plans however, they will never achieve ultimate success. Just as they tampered with the Islamic calendar which meant so much to the people, so too they attacked the centers of learning. They have raided and plundered our madrasahs several times now. Before, it was the Faydiyyah Madrasah that they stormed and made the scene of their crimes, but now it is the Hujjatiyyah Madrasah, the Khan Madrasah and the Haqqani Madrasah which are the targets of their attacks- or in fact any madrasah whose gates are open and where gatherings take place, however small. We are told that the entire doors and windows of the Khan Madrasah have been knocked in and smashed by rifle butts, and that a student of the religious sciences was shot and killed at the gate of the Hujjatiyyah Madrasah. One of the `ulama' who went to visit the scene told me on his return that a stream of blood ran from the place where the student had been shot to the edge of the pool in the madrasah courtyard. «11»

The Shah, the prime culprit and instrument of the allies

Do you suppose the chief of police in Qum is responsible for such actions? No, he is not capable of doing such things. Don't repeatedly put the blame on the officials of the regime. The Shah himself is the culprit. He is the one who gives the orders and tells them to kill. If he didn't give the command to kill, there would be no killings. Do you imagine it is a trivial affair to open fire on a whole nation with rifles and machine guns, or to make an armed attack on the theological center in Qum which is so loved and highly respected by the people? Do you imagine that the command for such action could be given by the head of SAVAK in Tehran, the head of SAVAK in Qum or even the Prime Minister? No, it is the Shah himself; he is the prime culprit! And who is responsible for imposing him on us? The Shah himself stated in his book: «12»" The Allies, after occupying Iran, thought it fitting that I should be in control of affairs, and they agreed to my accession to the throne." May God curse them for thinking it fitting. Later, on realizing the mistake in having mentioned this matter, it was erased from the text. Those Allies, those who signed the Declaration of Human Rights, it is they who appointed such a person to reign over us, and it is they who brought about such repression. You say mankind is free! But what about the Iranian people? Yes, the imperialists appointed a man to rule in Iran, as they had his father before him; «13» the latter also having denied the people all kinds of freedom. But the situation was different then, either people were unable to confront the regime then as they can now or their consciousness was not yet truly awaken.

Qum theological center, the reviver of Islam and Iran

The theological center in Qum has brought Iran back to life; it has performed a service to Islam that will endure for centuries. This service must not be underestimated; we must pray for the theological center in Qum and pray that we will come to emulate it. This center's name will remain inscribed in history for all time. In comparison to Qum, we here in Najaf are dead and buried; «14» it is Qum that has brought Islam back to life. It is the center in Qum and the preaching of its maraji` and `ulama' that have awakened the universities, those same places where we religious scholars used to be accused of being the opium of the people and the agents of the British and other imperialists. No, all that was the propaganda of Britain, Germany, the Soviet Union and others, designed to misrepresent us and make the `ulama' and their institutions appear to be the opium of the people. They spread such propaganda because they know full well how active the religious scholars are and what a dynamic and militant religion Islam is. They drew up a plan to bring the religious scholars into disrepute, and propagated the notion that religion must be separated from politics.

Religion and politics

This campaign has been in operation for many years now, whereby even the akhounds themselves have now become convinced by it and ask the question:" What business do we have with politics?" But to pose such a question is in fact to abandon Islam, to bury it in our chambers in the madrasah and in our books of religious learning. The imperial powers dearly wish that religion could be separated from politics and politics from religion. From the very beginning this is the idea that our politicians have promoted, until it has reached the stage where even we, the clergy, have come to believe that politics is none of our concern, and must be left to the politicians; and that we must concern ourselves with matters of religion only and turn the other cheek if they slap us in the face. «15» This idea of turning the other cheek has been wrongly attributed to Jesus (`a); and yet again this too has been the doing of these imperial beasts. Jesus (`a) was a prophet, and no prophet can be so illogical. Look at the history of the prophets. We see how Jesus did not remain among his people very long before his ascension to heaven. «16» You are all aware of the history of the prophets. It is well known that the exalted prophet Abraham (`a), one of the earliest true prophets of God, took up his axe and shattered all the idols. He was not afraid of being cast into the fire and burned. If he had been afraid of such things then he would not have been a prophet. This man who stood alone before such great forces and who was then cast into the fire, he could not follow a logic that required him, if slapped on one cheek, to turn the other cheek for it also to be slapped. That is the logic of the indolent, the logic of those who do not know God and who have not studied the Qur'an. Then look at Moses (`a), a simple shepherd with nothing but his staff in hand. He too fought single-handed and he did so against Pharaoh who made claim to divinity. Here too, the Shah would like to make such a claim but he realizes that now is not the right time, for people would not believe him. Nevertheless, should he detect the least relaxation in our vigilance then he too would cry:" I am your Lord, the Most High". «17» There have always been those who have made such absurd claims in the past, and there always will be. And then there is the Most Noble Messenger (s). As you well know, he began his mission alone, prepared himself for the struggle to come for thirteen years and then fought for a decade. He did not ask:" What business do I have with politics?" But rather he administered the entire Islamic realm. The same was true of the Commander of the Faithful (`a). He ruled, engaged in politics and fought wars. He never said:" Let me sit at home and devote myself to prayer and worship and not concern myself with political issues."

Compromising with the oppressive kings, contrary to the Qur'an

But now we find one of the `ulama' (may God grant him mercy) saying:" If the Imam of the Age (`a) considers it to be the appropriate time then he will come. I cannot claim to be more concerned for Islam than he is and he is well aware of the present situation. Thus, he is the one who must make the first move to remedy our affairs and not I!" This, however, is the logic of those who want to shirk responsibility, «18» it is not a logic of which Islam approves. Islam does not acknowledge such reasoning. Those who reason in this way conduct diligent searches in order to come up with a couple of religious traditions which tell us, for example, to make our peace with kings or to pray for them. But this is contrary to the teachings of the Qur'an. They have obviously not read this holy book. Even if they could find a hundred such traditions, it would not further their argument «19» for such traditions are in discord with the Qur'an and the custom of the prophets. There is a tradition that says:" Whoever wishes long life for a king will be resurrected along with him." «20» Could a Muslim possibly wish long life for a king, whereby that king might commit more injustice? Could anyone wish to maintain relations with someone who slaughters people; who slaughters the `ulama'? Are you aware of how many of our great `ulama', our valued teachers, are now living in prison or in exile? These are the very same `ulama' and religious scholars who, until recently, were living in exile and who, on being released, returned to their home towns, clenched their fists and began to speak out against the government and the Shah. Once again they were arrested. The honorable young gentleman who delivered a speech at the commemorative gathering yesterday afternoon had previously endured imprisonment and banishment; and it is quite likely that he has been arrested again now, or that he will be tomorrow. This is what true Muslims are made of. He is the true Muslim, who, when he comes out of prison, clenches his fist and resumes his struggle. The Prophet (s) stated in a tradition that even if a Muslim constantly says: "La ilaha illa'llah" [there is no God but Allah], but he shows no concern for the affairs of his fellow Muslims, he is not a Muslim. «21» A Muslim is the person who works to benefit Islam and his fellow Muslims; fellow Muslims such as those killed by the Shah. They kill our young men and yet we shouldn't care? They kill our `ulama' and yet we shouldn't care?
Are we supposed to agree to all this, or to behave as if we are in agreement? If this is so then we must become different human beings! In Iran our young men were imprisoned and banished and now they are subject to the same measures again. But when these courageous youths return from prison or exile they recommence their struggle, returning to the themes of their earlier preaching. Again they are sent into exile. But even if they were to be banished or imprisoned and then released ten times over they would still be the same people that they were in the beginning. This is because they have received true Islamic training. Similarly, if the Commander of the Faithful (`a) were to be killed and then brought back to life a hundred times over, he would still be the same Commander of the Faithful. But take some apathetic person and kill him, if you were to bring him back to life, he would still be as apathetic as before.

America and Russia in competition in plundering Iran

We have suffered and continue to suffer all these misfortunes at the hands of those government heads who have signed the Declaration of Human Rights and who loudly proclaim man's right to freedom. Before, it was the British that brought us misfortune (until the time when they no longer held such influence in our country), and now it is the Russians on the one hand and the Americans on the other. These are the ones who are responsible for all our miseries. If only they were to withdraw their protection and backing of those in the Iranian government, the people would skin them alive. It is the government of Iran which granted absolute immunity to the American advisers, for which it got a few dollars in exchange; and one can see how many American officials there are in Iran now and what huge salaries they receive! That is our problem- everything in our treasury has to be emptied into the pockets of America, and if there is any meager amount to spare, it has to go into the pockets of the Shah and his gang. They buy themselves villas and goodness knows what else abroad and stuff their bank accounts with the people's money while the nation lives in poverty.
At the same time, they constantly proclaim:" Iran is one of the most advanced countries in the world. It is now on a par with America, or at least Japan" (and maybe even a little more advanced than Japan). But the absurdity of these words and the warped thinking that underlies them has become apparent to everyone. Even the corner grocer will tell you that the Shah is talking nonsense but that" he is quite unashamed and goes right on talking, so what can be done about it?" After these events, the general strike and shutdown, you will see in tomorrow's newspapers that they're back to their old bombastic claims:" We hold the support of all the nation; all the people are with us except for a few misguided individuals; those clergymen who are truly enlightened support us, as for the rest they are all reactionaries including the `ulama' and the great maraji` of Qum who announced a general shutdown, the `true' religious scholars- that's what they call them- are all in agreement with us." The only problem is that these `true' religious scholars are only to be found in the newspapers. To which `true' religious scholars do they refer? How can any Muslim ever agree with you or consent to the killing of these people? «22» Yes, the case may be that sometimes a Muslim or a scholar is afraid and says nothing, whereas at other times he is not afraid and speaks out; at times a student of the religious sciences is afraid and does not leave his home, whereas at other times he is not afraid and cries out in protest! But `agreement', that is the wrong word.

Misbegotten monster of the Iranian regime!

What scholar could possibly agree with you? Could someone be a religious scholar and agree with a massacre? Is it at all possible? Can someone believe in Islam and yet agree with abolishing the Islamic calendar in favor of the calendar of the unbelievers? Could any Muslim agree with this scandalous uncovering of women? The women of Iran have themselves risen up against the Shah and landed him a blow by crying:" We don't want to live this way! We want to be free!" To which this good-for-nothing replies:" But you are free! The only thing is that you cannot go to school wearing a chador or head-covering!" You call this freedom? I can't make this state of affairs out in Iran. This Shah and his government are some kind of misbegotten monsters «23» that are difficult to identify. Our country is in such a terrible state and we are faced with so many difficulties.

Examples of poverty in Iran

God only knows the kinds of problems the people are experiencing and only a fraction are referred to me. For example, they tell me:" We want to build a water-storage tank at such-and-such a place, because the people have no water there and women have to travel about six kilometers to fetch water." Now if people don't even have water, how about electricity or decent roads, do they have these? No, in fact they have nothing! Don't look at the part of Tehran where, on the face of it at least, things have been put in order, take a look at the other part of the city. Go look at those pits, those holes in the ground in which people live, dwellings you reach by descending about a hundred steps into the ground. What a terrible place to live! Homes that people have made from rush matting or clay so their poor children can have somewhere to live. Yes, I am talking about Tehran and not some remote village or town; this is how things are in Tehran. When you enter the city you see all the cars and that deceptive exterior, but you haven't seen the state the other side of town is in. The people who live there have no current drinking water in their homes. They have to take their pitchers and climb up those hundred steps until they come to a water tap, then fill their pitchers and climb down again. Picture some poor woman in the middle of the biting winter climbing up and down those steps to fetch water for her children. A reliable informant, the congregational prayer leader of Pamnar, told me of how one of the families that was driven out from one such hole went and sat down in the middle of Pamnar Avenue. «24» This poor man with his wife and children sat there until finally people gathered around and helped to find them a place to live. They weren't even allowed to live in that hole in the ground. Even that was taken from them! That is our `progressive' country for you, and its capital city of Tehran. In one of their very own newspapers they wrote that in some parts of the country- I can't remember exactly where, I think maybe it was in the region of Shoushtar «25»- when the people wake up in the morning they wash the trachoma-infected eyes of their children with urine so they can open their eyes. This is the state of our advanced and progressive country! Urine is used to wash their infected eyes because there is a lack of water!

Ignominy of America's proclamation of human rights

Is our country really so poor? What happens to all of its money? Our country possesses an ocean of oil. It has iron, precious metals, and much more. Indeed, Iran is a rich country. But those so-called `friends of mankind' have appointed their agent to rule this country in order to prevent the poor from benefiting from its riches. Everything must go into his masters' pockets and be spent on their enjoyment. Should a small portion of this wealth be left over, then even that goes to the Shah and his gang. Although a trifling amount by comparison, still there is enough for them to have a villa, a palace and an estate «26» awaiting them wherever they travel, in addition to enjoying healthy bank accounts- yes they are truly well-off. «27» They fooled people for a time with this Carter by saying that he would do such-and-such and would take all kinds of positive measures if he came to power.«28»
Once in power however, he said clearly- liars have short memories after all-" There can be no question of human rights in countries where we have military bases; human rights must not even be mentioned". For after all freedom is part of human rights. First he says human rights are inalienable and then he says:" I don't want to hear about human rights". Of course he's right from his own point of view; he uses the logic of bandits. The head of a government that has signed the Declaration of Human Rights says:" We have military bases in Iran; we can't talk about human rights there. Respect for human rights is feasible only in countries where we have no military bases". But for all its boasting about human rights, what miseries America has inflicted on the peoples of Latin America, in its own hemisphere! «29» Again we see what it has done to Lebanon. There too it installs an agent and reduces the country to its present miserable state; and in Egypt it installs another, by the name of Sadat, whose every act is devoted to serving imperialism. A short time ago the latter went to Israel and gave it official recognition whilst approving of whatever the Israelis had to say. The Shah of Iran also says that it is necessary to make peace with Israel. In fact this wretch «30» gave Israel recognition twenty years ago. I was in Qum at the time when he gave recognition to this government of infidels- and Jewish infidels at that- thereby affronting Islam, the Qur'an, the Muslim governments and the entire Muslim people. The name of Israel was not openly mentioned at first, but later it was.

Shah's `human rights'

Indeed, this person was a slave from the very beginning as he himself later made clear. This man (the Shah) who openly raises the question of human rights is in fact quite right to ask what it is all about. «31» What do human rights mean? It means the logic of bandits! It is nothing to do with human rights. The logic of bandits cannot be other than banditry, expressed with machine guns and rifles, by gunning down the religious scholars, by the destruction of the Faydiyyah Madrasah, and the subsequent closing and sequestration of this center of Ja`fari Shi`ism. Faydiyyah Madrasah has been closed for several years now. They plundered the madrasah and robbed its students; they burned the turbans of the religious students and even burned their books! They insulted the Qur'an itself! That is the logic of bandits. As you know, the students in Qum then made their headquarters in the Hujjatiyyah and Khan Madrasahs, and there too they have been attacked and beaten. But if they are beaten and expelled from their madrasah a hundred times over, they will establish their base in yet another madrasah, for they have come to life, they have awakened! At any rate, these are the difficulties we face. As we sit here, we don't know what is happening to our Muslim brothers in Iran. It is a cause for anxiety; but we shall have to wait until tomorrow to see what happens and how events evolve. One thing that is for certain is that an impressive ceremony was organized yesterday afternoon in memory of those who were killed in Qum. And today too, A`zam Mosque «32» in Qum is full of people and the bazaars and shops of Qum are all closed down. The bazaars in other towns too have also been closed, according to what I have been told. There is no news yet from Shiraz and Isfahan but I have no doubt that there too the bazaars are closed. This is a bewildering situation.
Their logic is the logic of the machine-gun, and the logic of all too many of us is silence. Some say there is no alternative but to remain silent. Their logic is to slap us, and our logic is to be slapped! They claim Jesus (`a) recommended turning the other cheek. But he would never do such a thing for that is the logic of the apathetic! Jesus was a great prophet. He began his struggle in the cradle when he said: I shall rise up to establish prayer and worship. According to the Qur'an «33» he was a prophet while still in the cradle. Is it possible that such a person could utter such apathetic, cowardly words? This recommendation to turn the other cheek was invented by those who claimed some affiliation to Jesus (we cannot call them Christians ). They deceived the Christians and made them completely passive towards their governments.

The Imams struggled against oppression throughout their lives

There are people among us who tell us we must swallow whatever poison the `holders of authority' wish to force down our throats, simply because they are the `authorities'. We mustn't say a word against these tyrannical `authorities'. But if what they say is true, then why did Imam Husayn (`a) oppose the authorities? Why did he confront Yazid «34» and his government" tu'ti'l-mulk man tasha'"!? «35» A certain akhound wrote to me a few years ago to ask me:" Why do you oppose the government? Do you not know that God gives authority to whomever He wishes?" I didn't even answer him. He wasn't worth answering. But his question involved a clear denial of the Qur'an. In a way, it can be argued that God gave kingship to the Pharaoh, but didn't Moses (`a) oppose him? Nimrod's «36» kingship was also a divine gift in the sense that everything is from God, but didn't Abraham (`a) oppose him? Why is the Prophet in opposition? Why was Hadrat Amir against Mu`awiyah? Mu`awiyah also represented the `holders of authority', so why did first the Commander of the Faithful and later Imam Husayn (`a) oppose him? And then Imam Husayn (`a) rounded up his family and fifty or sixty followers and rose up in revolt against another `holder of authority', Yazid. Why did he do that? Clearly those who disagree with revolt against the authorities talk sheer nonsense!
Those `holders of authority' who are mentioned immediately after God and His Messenger in the Qur'an «37» must also be close to God and His Messenger in their practice. They must be the shadow of God and his Messenger. Yes, the Islamic ruler is the shadow of God, «38» but that which is meant by shadow is something which of itself has no motion. Your shadow does not move by itself, it moves only when you move. Islam recognizes that person as the `shadow of God' who abandons all individual volition in the sense that he acts only in accordance with the ordinances of Islam, his motion therefore being dependent and not independent. The Messenger of God (s) was indeed a true shadow of God. But can the same be said for this vile man, the Shah? Yes, a few thoughtless people among us say so; but that would mean that anyone who rebelled against Yazid who was also a `holder of authority' deserved to be killed! In fact, at the time of Yazid, the Umayyad judges delivered a verdict that Imam Husayn, the Doyen of the Martyrs, deserved death! We have not read the Qur'an properly, and have not understood its logic. Above all else, we must study the Qur'an. The Qur'an has given instructions for everything and has made clear what our duties are. It has told us how we are to treat kings.

Opposition in the logic of the Qur'an and the Prophet's Sunnah

Why does the Qur'an repeat the story of Moses (`a) so frequently? Is it just meant to be an entertaining story? If the Qur'an wanted to tell us a story, one recitation would be enough. So what is the purpose behind the Qur'an's insistence on repeating the story of Moses and his opposition to the Pharaoh? It is to make us understand! The Qur'an constantly discusses warfare against the unbelievers and mentions the affair concerning the hypocrites [munafiqin]. Is this purely for the purpose of telling us a story? Is the Qur'an a story-book? The Qur'an is a book designed to produce true human beings; it is a book intended to create active human beings. It is a book that deals with everything in this world, from beginning to end, and covers all the stages in man's development. It is a book that regulates man's spiritual life and orders its government. Everything is there in the Qur'an, in the traditions of the Most Noble Messenger (s) and in the traditions of the Immaculate Imams (`a). But careful study of all these sources is needed for us to understand what our duty is. We repeatedly read in the Qur'an that the Pharaoh behaved in one way and that Moses behaved in another, but we do not consider why the Qur'an tells us all this. It tells us this so that we too may act like Moses towards the Pharaoh of our age. Let us take up our staffs and oppose this vile man. «39» At the very least, let no one support this regime.
May Almighty God grant you all success. May Almighty God remove this evil rule from the Muslims (the audience cries Amen). May God, Exalted and Almighty, preserve our people in the midst of their tribulation (Amen). May God, Exalted and Almighty, grant a favorable end to this struggle both to the Muslims and to Islam.

«۱»- It refers to the tragedy of January ۹,۱۹۷۸ [Dey ۱۹,۱۳۵۶ AHS]. «۲»- The Clergy Society of Iran, in a declaration beginning with the holy verse: And reckon not those who are killed in Allah's way as dead... (Sourah Ali `Imran ۳:۱۶۹), asked the entire nation to rise up once more against the illegal, anti-Islamic programs of the Iranian government, and to answer the ruling system in Iran with a punch in the mouth by closing down the theological centers, universities and shops on Saturday, February ۱۸,۱۹۷۸ [Bahman ۲۹,۱۳۵۶ AHS] in observance of a national day of mourning. Ayatullah al-`Uzma Golpaygani also issued a declaration concerning this day and called to mind that:" Commissioned officers, instead of making amends for what they had done and attending to the damages inflicted, banished a group of believers and learned men without reason". In yet another declaration, Ayatullah al-`Uzma Najafi Mar`ashi also requested that the authorities desist from their tyranny and from their encroachment upon people's rights. In the declaration issued by the maraji`, February ۱۸ [Bahman ۲۹] had been declared a day of public mourning. Furthermore, in a public statement Mr. Shari`atmadari announced:" We declare Saturday, February ۱۸,۱۹۷۸- the fortieth day following this grave tragedy- a day of public mourning. We expect the Muslim community to remain absolutely calm and composed while conducting the aforesaid ceremonies". «۳»- `Allamah Majlisi writes:" Imam as-Sadiq (`a) said: `Very soon Koufah will become devoid of believers and it will lose its position as the seat of learning. This will occur in such a manner that the snake will hide in its own pit. Subsequently, a region by the name of Qum will arise as the new seat of learning. Qum will become the center of knowledge and learning until a time when religious learning will be available to all without exception. This event will take place at a time when the twelfth Imam's manifestation draws near". Bihar al-Anwar, vol.۵۷, p.۲۱۳. «۴»- In ۱۶۱۵, the British ambassador to India registered the right for his own government to trade and he gained concessions for the establishment of the commercial company of British East India. This is how British penetration got underway in the Indian subcontinent. This colonial company fortified British rule in India by intensifying the activities in which it engaged. Meanwhile, because of racial, religious and linguistic diversity and in particular the intense discord which prevailed between the Hindus and Muslims in India, this newborn British colonization was strengthened by force of circumstances. This occurred in such a manner that eventually in ۱۸۳۹ India became a British protectorate. It was after this that the British government began to take harsh measures and thus came to dominate India's affairs; and from ۱۸۵۷ India officially became an addition to the British dominion. During the First World War, one million Indian soldiers were sent to the front line to fight for Britain, tens of thousands of whom were killed as a result. The compulsory provision of food by India for the British army led to a severe famine there. Eventually the Law of Independence for the Indian subcontinent was passed in the British House of Commons on July ۴,۱۹۴۷, by virtue of which in August of that same year, the two countries of Pakistan and India emerged from the British dominion in the subcontinent. «۵»- In ۱۹۰۷, at a conference held in Britain, the most powerful colonialist government of the day (Britain) declared to the government heads of Holland, Belgium, Portugal, Spain, and Italy that if the surrounding coasts of the Mediterranean Sea- situated between the East and the West and lying in Muslim hands- were to be taken from their grasp, then this would present a serious danger for the aforementioned countries. It was this concern that caused the colonialist governments of the day to consider setting up a government in a strategically important part of the Mediterranean Sea- a government which would be at variance with and opposed to the Islamic countries, so as to create a rift in the unity of the Muslims. Earlier in ۱۸۹۷, Herr Tazl, journalist and publisher of Die Welt newspaper- the official Zionist mouthpiece- had organized a conference in the Swiss city of Biel in order to discuss the issue of an Israeli government. He was also the author of a book entitled Jewish Government, in which he appealed to his own nation to help in the establishment of such a government in Palestine or Argentina. With the outbreak of World War One, American leaders, under the tutelage of the Jews, agreed to American participation in the war on the side of Britain on condition that Britain took steps to settle the Jews in Palestine and to set up an independent government for them. The collapse of the Ottoman Empire during the First World War also gave Britain the opportunity to settle a large number of Jews in Palestinian land. In ۱۹۴۸, America gave its open support to a state in Palestine by the name of Israel, following which the bloody war between the Arabs and the Jewish settlers in Palestine broke out. During a Security Council meeting, the United Nations Organization, under the pretext of preventing further killing and bringing an end to the Arab-Israeli war, gave its approval in a written declaration to the partition of Palestine into two areas: one for Muslim residents and the other for Jewish residents. Thus, the State of Israel was officially established with the backing of the imperialist powers. The usurper Israeli government occupied a large part of Muslim land, driving ۱,۲۰۰,۰۰۰ Muslims from their homes. «۶»- Anwar as-Sadat was born in ۱۹۱۸ in Egypt and having completed his basic education, entered the Officers' College where he joined the officers' corps of Jamal `Abdun-Nasir's group. These officers took part in covert operations and Anwar as-Sadat was later arrested, expelled from the army and imprisoned. Some time later he was released from prison and became a member of the Iron Guard, whose duty it was to safeguard the Egyptian king's life and crush opposition forces. Later, on the insistence of Nasir, he again joined the Free Officers' Movement which was conducting a covert operation against the ruling system of the day. In ۱۹۵۲, with the victory of the Egyptian revolution, Nasir became the President and Anwar as-Sadat initially became Parliamentary Speaker and then, following Nasser's illness, he became the country's vice-president. After Nasir's death in ۱۹۷۰, Anwar as-Sadat, in accordance with the Constitution, became responsible for the country's affairs for a sixty-day period, after which he was elected as the official President of Egypt. He annulled the treaty between Egypt and the Soviet Union and despite the fact that Egypt had assumed the responsibility of Arab leadership during the Arab-Israeli war, he nevertheless signed a bilateral treaty with America. When he then made a unilateral peace agreement with Israel, he in fact dashed all of Egypt's hopes. Sadat was eventually assassinated by a young Muslim officer named Khalid Islambouli. «۷»- Shah Mosque in Tehran (the present-day Imam Khomeini Mosque) is situated south of the main bazaar of Tehran. «۸»- "Islamic Marxist", an expression coined by the Shah, has been thus defined in a book he is believed to have authored:" There is a number of people who, to the detriment of their own country engage in violence and murder. Modern democracy in Iran however, neither allows acts of violence or treachery against people nor does it permit reactionary or retrogressive campaigns. A sinister and profane alliance almost always emerges between these two extremes, producing an incredible and incompatible combination of Islamic Marxism between the atheists and those who claim to be the defenders of religious principles. This is in spite of the fact that the revolutionary freedom seeking of the former group is as far away from real freedom and true revolution as is the Muslim adherent of the latter group from the essence and spirit of Islam." From thenceforth the Shah used this expression many times. During a later speech, having forgotten that this `ideology' was in fact his very own brainchild, he explicitly called it an `absurd ideology'!:" Those misled, insane or self-seeking men who are to be found in many of the developed countries and who, unfortunately, engage in a kind of international terrorism have no place in this country. These people under the pretext of absurd ideologies such as" Islamic Marxism", turn to violence and sometimes murder to the detriment of their own homeland"! This ludicrous expression became a weapon in the hands of the Shah's agents whereby they were able to arrest any dissident against whom they held no evidence and send him to the torture chamber for the crime of having an involvement in the campaign and the `absurd ideology' of Islamic Marxism. «۹»- A few days after the tragedy of January ۹,۱۹۷۸ [Dey ۱۹, ۱۳۵۶ AHS], SAVAK, without prior notice, boarded employees of the Ministry of Education, members of the Rastakhiz Party, and other office employees onto several buses and told them that they were going on a pilgrimage to the holy shrine of Hadrat Ma`soumah in Qum! However, having almost arrived in Qum, the people were forced to alight from the buses and were told to march towards the holy shrine while shouting" Long live the Shah" and exhibiting impassioned affection for His Imperial- Majesty! This demonstration, despite the agents' threats, took place with such dispassion and indifference that, to quote Imam:" It was as if they had participated in a funeral procession". At the end of this `demonstration', governmental agents issue a statement in which, while condemning foreign incitement, it is declared:" We, members of the Iranian people's Rastakhiz Party in the holy city of Qum, vow never to permit the enemies of the nation and of the Shah's revolution to violate the law" (Khorasan newspaper, January ۱۳,۱۹۷۸ [Dey ۲۲,۱۳۵۶ AHS], p.۱۲). Likewise, a similar engineered demonstration was arranged by the Women's Organization of Khorasan in Mashhad to counteract a magnificent demonstration held by the Muslim women of Mashhad on January ۷ (Khorasan newspaper, January ۱۲,۱۹۷۸, p.۱). During another such demonstration held in Tabriz, a clergyman who was known to be a fifth-columnist says:" Imperialism in the guise of religion and faith wants to threaten the unity and unanimity of the Iranian nation"; while a women's representative also says:" The women of Iran will stifle the sound of reaction before it is voiced". Accounts of other similar comments and incidents are to be found in the newspapers of the day. «۱۰»- Toward the end of ۱۹۷۵, on the anniversary of Rida Khan's birthday, both the Consultative Assembly and the Senate agreed in a joint meeting that the official calendar of Iran was to be changed. Until then, time had been reckoned from the migration of the Prophet from Mecca to Medina (in ۶۲۲ CE). The new calendar however (known as the Imperial calendar), took as its point of departure the founding of the Iranian monarchy by the Achaemenid emperor Cyrus, fixed somewhat arbitrarily at ۵۲۹ BCE. Following this change, it wasn't long before the self-absorbed monarchial regime in Iran was uprooted. «۱۱»- On January ۹,۱۹۷۸ [Dey ۱۸,۱۳۵۶ AHS], the Shah's agents opened fire at Hospital Crossroads on rows of religious students and people of Qum who were conducting a peaceful demonstration in protest against the defamatory article (concerning Imam Khomeini) carried by the Ittila`at newspaper. During this incident a young religious student who was shouting slogans from the second floor of Hujjatiyyah Madrasah was wounded by the agents' gun-fire and was carried by other religious students to the pool of the madrasah where he finally attained martyrdom. «۱۲»- The Shah, in his book: Mission for my Country. «۱۳»- Rida Khan. «۱۴»- It refers to the quiescent climate of the Najaf theological center. Imam's remarks are indicative of the unfavorable circumstances prevalent in the Najaf theological center and of the indifference demonstrated by the latter. «۱۵»- In the Gospel of Saint Matthew ۵:۳۸-۴۰ it reads: You have heard it said an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, but I say unto you, that ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also, and him that taketh away thy cloak forbid not to take thy coat also. «۱۶»- Imam here is referring to Sourah Ali `Imran ۳:۵۵:" And when God said: O Jesus, I am going to terminate the period of your stay (on earth) and cause you to ascend unto Me"; Sourah an-Nisa' ۴:۱۵۸:" God took him up to Himself". «۱۷»- Sourah an-Nazi`at ۷۹:۲۴:" Then he (Pharaoh) said: I am your Lord, the Most High". «۱۸»- A group consisting of both `ulama' and clergymen as well as others, because of an erroneous interpretation of the principle of `expectation' [intizar], have adopted the belief that no one has a duty to do anything about oppression, corruption and the non-performance of Islamic duties. These people hold that one must wait (in expectation) until oppression, injustice and corruption reach a climax, when the Imam of the Age, may God hasten his manifestation, will appear and fill the world with justice and redress. Not long ago the holders of this view became involved in an extensive operation to form an organization and a collective body; but due to basic organizational disorder and an inability to defend the organization's unsound principles, this group inevitably gave up its overt activities. «۱۹»- Here, the Iranian text reads:" It will be struck against the wall", meaning it will be of no worth. In an Islamic tradition the Prophet (s) said:" When you hear a tradition which is said to be from me, assess it according to the Book of God (Qur'an). That which agrees with the Book of God you are to accept and that which disagrees with the Book of God, you are to strike against the wall". Tafsir-e Safi, vol.۱, p.۲۱. «۲۰»- In quoting verse ۱۱۳ of Sourah Hud ۱۱:۱۱۳, Imam as-Sadiq (`a) states:" And do not incline to those who are unjust, lest the fire touch you". Here, reference is made to one who inclines towards his sovereign and prays for his longevity so that the sovereign may grant him a gift. Refer to Bihar al-Anwar, vol.۷۲, p.۳۶۹. «۲۱»- " Whosoever rises in the morning and does not strive to help in the affairs of the Muslims is not a Muslim": a tradition from the Prophet (s). A similar tradition has been quoted by Imam as-Sadiq (`a). Refer to Usoul al-Kafi, Kitab al-Iman wal-Kufr, the chapter entitled" Ihtimam bi Umour al-Muslimin". «۲۲»- It refers to the religious students and those people who attained martyrdom during the event of January ۹. «۲۳»- This is an expression for anything disturbed and distressed whose internal disturbance has brought about an abnormal state." Shutur, gav, palang" is an expression used in the Persian language to refer to a combination of heterogeneous things or something of incongruous composition. Amthal va Hikam-e Dehkhoda, see under the word "shutur" [camel]. «۲۴»- Pamnar is one of the oldest streets of Tehran which is situated in the city center near to the main bazaar. «۲۵»- Shoushtar is one of the cities of the province of Khouzestan which at one time was one of the most inhabited cities of this province. This city covers an area of ۳,۵۲۸ square kilometers and lies ۱۲۸ kilometers from Ahwaz (the provincial capital). «۲۶»- Authors have said that to determine precise statistics with regard to the land and property owned abroad by the Shah and his close relatives is by no means an easy task; and that moreover, a complete list of such possessions is not in fact available. A few examples of such possessions which were owned by the Shah are as follows: several hectares of land in Australia; several large islands in Italy owned by Farah (the Shah's wife); vast areas of the banks of Geneva Lake; four glorious places in the highly sought-after areas of Paris and Switzerland; the village of Saint Moritz; an entire ski slope and a winter palace in Switzerland; several large palaces in California, Texas and Florida. Refer to Mas`oud Ansari, Man va Khandan-e Pahlavi; Pas az Suqout; Husayn Fardoust, The Rise and Fall of the Pahlavi Dynasty; Kayhan newspaper, February ۲۵,۱۹۷۹; and William Shawcross, The Shah's Last Ride, the Fate of an Ally, to name but a few. «۲۷»- In footnotes yet to come, indication will be made to the amount of foreign currency held by the Shah as is recorded in the official report made by the Central Bank. During the months of Shahrivar and Mehr ۱۹۷۸ alone [circa August-October], a substantial amount of money was sent out of the country, seventeen entries having been politically-coded credit transfers which were deposited into the Shah's private accounts in Swiss, French and American banks and which amounted to ۳۰,۷۵۰,۰۰۰,۰۰۰ rials (over ۲,۰۰۰,۰۰۰,۰۰۰ dollars). Gam beh Gam ba Inqilab, pp.۹۵-۱۰۲. «۲۸»- After ten years of military intervention in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, during which hundreds of thousands of trained military forces were dispatched, and the most sophisticated of arms employed, America was finally defeated, tens of thousands of its men having been killed, wounded or captured and tens of billions of dollars have been spent. As a consequence, in ۱۹۷۵ America was forced to leave this territory. The defeat of this military operation and the innumerable crimes and inhuman acts perpetrated by the American troops as well as the psychological and sociological damages incurred, had made the American people strongly in favor of a peace-loving government which would defend human rights. Furthermore, the American government, having witnessed the overthrow of its agents following the discontinuation of the war in South-East Asian countries such as Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, believed the solution to lie in the creation of a politically-open climate and in allowing conservative and liberal fronts to play a role in Third World countries. In the meantime, the Watergate Scandal of ۱۹۷۴ had truly brought the Republican Party into disrepute both in America and across the world, thus leaving the US government no alternative but to allow a representative of the Democratic Party to win the vote in the presidential elections, by which means it kept alive the possibility of reaching its goals. It was because of this policy that the Zionist front and the global capitalism espoused by Carter were ushered into the political arena along with the argument for `human rights'. «۲۹»- As soon as a freedom-fighting movement appeared in Chile, America- the defender of human rights- staged a coup, killed Salvador Allende, and resumed its domination of that country. US espionage agencies and terrorist organizations are currently conducting intense operations against the freedom-seeking people of Nicaragua and El Salvador. Again it was American military intervention which brought about the defeat of the revolutionary regime in Granada. Yet, despite all of this, this country claims to respect human rights and freedom! «۳۰»- The Shah. «۳۱»- On October ۲۵,۱۹۷۶ [Aban ۳,۱۳۵۵ AHS], the Shah quite clearly expressed his views on `human rights' and `democracy' in response to the attacks made by Carter during his presidential campaign on the dictatorial and savage actions of the former. In an interview with Kayhan newspaper, the Shah said:" They want to question us on democracy and human rights. This is truly ridiculous. Why, does democracy simply mean to shout abuses? Does democracy amount to creating a hullabaloo? Is democracy only killing? What other meaning can democracy possibly have- if indeed it still exists- other than the policy pursued by us?" Once Carter had taken office and had forced the Shah to see things his way and to agree to the announcement of a politically-free climate in the country, and following an intensification of popular demonstrations and the failure of both the Shah and Carter to keep things under control, the Shah in an interview with Radio France on June ۱۹,۱۹۷۷ [Khordad ۲۹,۱۳۵۶ AHS], confesses that:" If our defense of human rights leads to our fall and our subjection, then that can no longer be said to be human rights!" He then warns America saying:" We can purchase goods from wherever we please, but who can replace a friendly Iran for America?"! «۳۲»- The A`zam Mosque, situated beside the holy courtyard of Hadrat Ma`soumah, was established in ۱۹۵۴, due to the efforts of the late Ayatullah Buroujerdi. The architect of this mosque was Husayn Lurzadeh and the glazed tiles were laid by Husayn Burhani Isfahani. The mosque is about ۱۱,۰۰۰ square meters in area, of which ۴,۰۰۰ square meters is actually built upon. Imam's speeches from ۱۹۶۲ until ۱۹۶۴ [۱۳۴۱-۱۳۴۳ AHS] were delivered in this mosque. «۳۳»- Sourah Maryam ۱۹:۲۹-۳۳. «۳۴»- Yazid ibn Mu`awiyah ibn Abi Sufyan succeeded Mu`awiyah as the caliph. During his initial year of rule he brought about the event which occurred at Karbala. During his second year as caliph, he raided Medina (the incident of Hurra). His third year as caliph saw him attacking Mecca when the Ka`bah actually caught fire; and it was in this same year that he was overtaken by death. «۳۵»- It refers to Sourah Ali `Imran ۳:۲۶:" Say: O God, Master of the kingdom! Thou givest the kingdom to whomsoever Thou pleasest". A group of people, by reason of this verse, consider it incumbent to obey the command of anyone in authority- even someone like Yazid. «۳۶»- Nimrod reigned in Chaldeah under the name of Keykawous. He was an idolater and a relentless tyrant and despot who possessed idol temples of gold, enjoyed a great amount of wealth and had a very large army. Tarikh-e Anbiya' az Adam ta Khatam [History of the Prophets from Adam to the Seal of the Prophets], p.۲۸۹. «۳۷»- In Sourah an-Nisa' ۴:۵۹, obedience towards those in authority is shown to be in conjunction with obedience towards God and the Prophet (s). «۳۸»- When the ruler of Islam is a person such as the Prophet (s), his government is referred to as the shadow of God. Hence, in certain traditions the sultan and ruler of Islam has been referred to as the same. Imam Khomeini, by virtue of the rare and gnostic insight with which he was blessed, has explained the meaning of this concept in his speeches. «۳۹»- The Shah.

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 29 بهمن 1356

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