شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Interview [Military cabinet; armed struggle]

Neauphle-le-Chateau, Paris, France
Military cabinet; armed struggle
جلد ۴ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۳۳۸ تا صفحه ۳۳۹
Interviewers: Reporters from Great Britain, France and Germany
Question: [The Shah has resorted to a military government, and has selected field marshal Azhari, who promised to hold absolutely democratic elections in the future. The Shah has also asked Ayatullah and other honorable clergies to help in the maintenance of peace and tranquility in Iran once again. What is your reaction to these acts?]
Answer: The resorting of a deceitful monarch, who has on one hand sought the help of the clergy and other people in his speeches, and on the other hand, has murdered and looted the nation by forming a military cabinet in order to suppress the nation, will not affect our destiny and movement at all. The promise of a democratic election is just a delusion, and besides, holding elections, whether democratic or non-democratic, is not legitimate anyway; because neither the Shah is legitimate nor his appointed government. Therefore, there exists no issue for holding elections, democratic or non-democratic. And the nation will never abide by him.
Q: [Yesterday, the Shah said in his speech, that he had tried his best to form a coalition government, but since he couldn't succeed, he had to form a military government instead. He believes this government is temporary; will you believe him? If not, then why? Do you believe that at the time of elections, the military will waive its own power and give the authorities to the parliament? Will the Shah meet his commitments? Won't the mistakes, cruelties, violations and corruptions be repeated?]
A: The Shah is busy seeking shelter and making conspiracies, for his survival's sake. He seeks refuge every way he can; therefore, he might have been trying to find some people taking his side. However, since the Iranian nation is unanimously against him and doesn't want the regime, those who are nationalists won't cooperate with him, because they can't cooperate with whom the nation is against. The issues of free elections and the Shah's promises are all untrue, and as long as the Shah and this regime are in power, holding elections- whether democratic or non-democratic- is illegitimate. And the Shah's promises are all bogus, and the Iranian nation will no longer be fooled by these conspiracies.
Q: [You are a great religious leader with outstanding influence in Iran; if the Shah refuses to surrender and stays in power, then, in order to overthrow him, will you use your influence for issuing permission for a general revolution, which may lead to blood shed and massacre? Will your action comply with the way of Islam? What is the nature of the Islamic republic you are proclaiming?]
A: We hope that, by this very same movement that has widely spread all over Iran, and the government employees and personnel going on strikes one after another, leading to the shut down and paralysis of the governmental organizations, the Shah will not be able to stay in power and survive; however, if the worst comes to the worst, we may reconsider an armed struggle. And if necessary, Islam allows armed struggles in due time, in order to save Islam's creed and the nation's interests; and bloodshed for the sake of the Islamic laws and the interests of the nation is the way of Islam. And the government which we suggest is an Islamic republic, based on liberty, independence, and exercise of justice and modification in all government organizations. And when this happens, the world will know what it's all about.

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 16 آبان 1357

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