شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Speech [The efforts of the enemy to create differences; the necessity of maintaining calm and eliminating the differences]

The efforts of the enemy to create differences; the necessity of maintaining calm and eliminating the differences
Va`iz Tabasi (the Imam's representative and the Trustee of Imam Rida's shrine) and deputies of the people of Khorasan in the Islamic consultative assembly (Majlis); a group of the people of Mashhad; the members of Islamic Association of merchants; Bank Sipah personnel
جلد ۱۳ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۳۶۴ تا صفحه ۳۶۵
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

The wish to go on pilgrimage to the Imam Rida's shrine

You are the dear guests that have come from the place of the manifestation of light and the spot where the angels hover. You have come from the sacred shrine of Imam Rida. You are welcome. May God protect you, and by the dint of your efforts and the nation's, may He give success to Islam. I hope that by your prayers in Imam Rida's shrine, I might succeed in visiting that saints' shrine.

The country becoming vulnerable because of the (existing) differences

What I wish to tell you dear friends is that the big powers are aware that owing to its unity, harmony and attention to the Almighty, this nation earned victory, thus jeopardizing their interests. As such, they are not sitting idle. Every single day, they devise a new way of creating differences and throwing our unity into disarray. We must, therefore, be vigilant and keep our eyes and ears open so that we do not intensify our differences. Each and every class of the people that are aware of the fact that differences will render the country vulnerable, and every group that has love in Islam, the Islamic country, the Muslim nation of Iran and the people of Iran, should prevent cracks from appearing in this unity. If, God forbid, our enemies manage to create dissension among our people in every corner of the country, they will be able to fulfill their wish.

The need to keep tranquility and to solve problems

Our pressing need at this time is tranquility. We are now embroiled in a war. Besides, we are grappling with local disturbances. It is quite likely that our enemy might give more importance to internal dissension than to a military assault. The reason is that our differences hurt us from within. As a result, we will destroy ourselves. We must be watchful so that malicious individuals do not infiltrate our ranks and create differences among us. God forbid, if the evil-intentioned persons aim to create divisions among us, you who are vigilant and the nation that is watchful should advise them. We must not let them attain their goal. We are now very much in need of calm. I want all of you and the nation to maintain a state of calm. Supposing, there are people who want to sow differences for certain purposes, you ought to maintain your composure by exercising reason and prudence. Do not let differences, God forbid, arise at such a time when we need to have tranquility in the country. You have come from a state of calm, center of the truth of Islam. You know that Hadrat (Imam) Rida (s), what with all his troubles and the misfortunes of a spiritual nature that used to be inflicted upon him, would calmly pursue his path without creating any differences whatsoever. He was particular about keeping the people calm. You are also aware that Hadrat Amir (s), the First Imam and the first Islamic figure after the Apostle of God (s) himself, used to take part in holy wars throughout his lifetime. There were divisions among the groups. But he maintained calm (in his realm) because Islam was in need of calm.
We all should resolve our differences wisely. We must not let our differences lead to tumult and discord among the people. Suppose that one wants to do something to arouse the people's feelings, it is today our duty not to show any reaction and to keep calm. I pray to the Exalted Lord for your well-being and prosperity and that of all the people of Iran. I also beseech Him to guide those who want to create discord. I thank you dear brothers for taking the trouble of coming here and sitting or standing in this cramped place. I pray to God the Blessed and Exalted for the health and happiness of each one of you.
May God's peace, mercy and blessings be upon you.
«۱»- In Sahife-ye Nour, the date has been given as ۱۰/۶/۱۳۵۹ AHS, but a report of this meeting appeared in the newspapers of ۱۰/۴/۱۳۵۹ AHS.

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 03 دی 1359

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